It’s not therapy 

But it is therapeutic

Technology is great, but every minute looking at a screen is time spent away from eye-contact.  From meaningful connection with people. 

Over time, it has made us more isolated.  This isolation hurts our health.  And it is totally avoidable. 

The crazy thing is that folks, perfectly nice folks, in every neighborhood in America, are sitting in their houses, each with their own interesting life stories and with care to offer, feeling lonely. 

Sometimes, unbeknownst to them, right next door to each other.

What’s in the way? Not much, really. There just hasn’t been a simple way to find each other. 

Until now.

PEOPLE provides a hosted place and time to get together with some other folks in your area who are interested in just being with each other. By booking yourself into a get-together, you’ll have a low-pressure reason to get out and about, talk and listen to some new friends and maybe put some regular socializing on the calendar.   With PEOPLE you can give yourself - and give others -  the gift of friendship every week.  And without a doubt, you will see your physical and emotional health improve. 

Because no matter how fascinated we are with technology, we’re not artificially intelligent.  We’re emotionally intelligent, social creatures.  We need each other.    

Your friends are waiting.  Don’t be late. 

 Find your PEOPLE.